Privacy Policy and Cookies

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If you book or send us a message, we will collect and store your personal details but will not intentionally disclose them to any 3rd party. We may then contact you from time to time in relation to your visit. Unless you request otherwise we also may also contact you very occasionally (no more than twice a year) with offers and promotions via email or phone. If you would prefer us not to do this, please let us know via the “More Information” section of the booking form, or within the content of any message you send us.


If you saw a 'cookie banner' when you arrived, then this means we are using Google Analytics to help us understand how you use our site. Otherwise, as far as we are aware, any cookies used are essential to enable the site's functionality. We do NOT use cookies to "remarket" - so you should never see an advert from us somewhere else just because you visited us! If you would like us to not use Google Analytics, even with these reassurances, then click here. You will then be returned to the previous page, with Google Analytics switched off.